ASD, VSD, PDA Device Closuer

ASD, VSD, PDA Device Closuer

Sperm Donation:

Donating sperm is considered one of the noblest causes a man can undertake. When the male partner has zilch sperm or his sperm are of low-quality, they need some other man who is willing to donate sperm which would fuse with eggs of the female partner to form an embryo. That embryo would be implanted in the womb to produce a healthy child after 9 months.

Egg Donation:

When female partner is unable to produce eggs due to various reasons like menopause, premature ovarian failure or age factor, the infertile couple seeks a woman who would donate eggs in lieu of a sum of money. The eggs are fertilised and implanted in the womb of the desired mother. Thereafter the children are born in a natural manner. The desired mother has to undergo two to three sessions of hormonal therapy before obtaining the eggs from the donor woman. It is called Hormonal Replacement Technique. This therapy is used to determine whether the womb of a woman is competent for implantation.

Embryo Donation:

When both the male partner and the female partners are infertile, they opt for embryo donation. In this, the embryo is developed by fusing the sperm and eggs of the donor couple and the embryo is implanted in the uterus of female partner. The couple who are donating the sperm and the eggs undergo a series of tests to determine any medical ailment or the quality of sperm & eggs.

Sperm Donation

Egg Donation

Embryo Donation

Stimulated IUI

The ovaries are gently stimulated with tablets, either alone or with low dose hormone injections followed by ultrasound monitoring until the follicles are mature when HCG trigger is given. The aim is to stimulate the release of one or two eggs only.

Sperm Wash

It is a time tested procedure. Washing help in removing bacteria dead cells, pus cells, only. The couple can see the difference in the quality of sperm count by pre & post wash analysis shown in the lab.

Meaning Of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a laboratory procedure where fast moving sperms are separated from more sluggish or non-moving sperms. The fast moving sperms are then placed into the woman’s womb at the time of ovulation (when egg is released).

Impeccable Fertility Care

Alka IVF is one of the most trusted fertility hospitals in India incorporating international treatment standards for infertility treatment and assisted reproductive technologies like IUI, IVF/ICSI, IMSI, etc. With exceptional patient care, a track record of high IVF success rate in very short interval of time, Indira IVF has become the preference of couple seeking fertility treatment from all over the world. Our treatments and services are delivered in a professional and caring environment by a team of specialists, sonographers, embryologists, nurses and counselors who are all leaders in their fields If you are concerned about your fertility, the first step is to book a preliminary appointment.